Why I am a Health and wellbeing coach.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity' (WHO, 1948). ... 'Wellbeing' refers to a positive rather than neutral state, framing health as a positive aspiration.
I have always been a health conscious person and I have always enjoyed intense physical activity from playing hard to running and lifting weights. For most of my life if something wasn’t going right I would fall back on “well at least I have my health.” That is until I didn’t….
In my 30’s, while pregnant, I suddenly became very ill. I was so tired and in pain that I could hardly function and take care of my family. After I had the baby I got worse. This was something that was new and very hard for me, going from perfect health to so sick. I really thought I was slowly dying! I went the route of western medicine and visited many doctors and specialists, which was a hardship in and of itself! I was so disappointed to not have any answers, at all! I was put on all sorts of medications, that didn’t help. I felt like it was all such a waste of time and resources!
Then I met Helen, due to the fact that I was obviously having all kinds of problems trying to nurse my newborn. Helen was part of the nursing moms network, through the hospital, and she is one of the angels on Earth that have come to my rescue. She introduced me to the first energy healing modality in my life, called Bio Med. Through this amazing session I began to heal immediately and feel some of my energy returning. I was also introduced to tinctures, which helped me and also my newborn in amazing ways!
It is amazing for me to look back and see all of the healing modalities and healers that came into my life at just the right time. I really embodied Qi-gong and emotional release techniques. Today I practice Footzoning and Investigating Health modalities which combine all of my favorite modalities of the past. I’m so amazed and grateful for the leaps and bounds I have witnessed in the alternative and energy medicine world!
Although I acknowledge the importance and great gift that I received from these modalities, it was not enough. As I raised my six children and time went on, I began to feel like I was just drifting. I was numb to life and found myself just wanting to get the day over so I could climb into bed. I was just going through the motions and I had no motivation to live. It wasn’t that I was suicidal, I just didn’t have the will to live. I was just enduring, not feeling any real joy or happiness. I knew I could not go on like this, because as an energy healer, I know that having these mental blocks and emotions leads to dis”ease”, but I couldn’t change it, I felt stuck.
I am so blessed in my life with a higher power and angels, that love me! I was again led to exactly what I needed to thrive. It was through the grace of a good friend, that had a free ticket and invited me to an energy conference. I was introduced to the power of mind set and self-love/improvement. I made a decision and an investment in myself to change my life! I joined a 4 month group coaching program. I learned amazing new things about how the universe and God works. I learned that I had been living my life for everyone else and had limiting beliefs that I needed to recognize and change. I was lovingly supported and held accountable for taking the steps on this journey. It truly helped me to transform my life! I now have a vision and know who I am and what my purpose is!
I want you to know that God, the universe, your higher self, or whatever your language is, will always step in to help you and guide you, all you have to do is ASK! We are all so blessed and highly favored, we just need to realize it. Now I not only practice my Investigating Health modality to facilitate much needed healing, but I am living my dream by teaching these healing methods to others and taking that journey with them to change their mind-set and limiting beliefs, that keep us stuck. These two things, energy medicine and mind-set, are truly powerful when used together. It gives you the ability to adapt and self-manage your circumstances, using the proper tools, so you can change your results and create a healthy life you love!
I am a health and wellBEing coach because I had a vision and calling from God and I answered and said “I am ready and willing to facilitate healing and teach my wonderful brothers and sisters!” If you want to hear more about the beautiful vision I had of a sail boat you can go to Infinite Healing Connections on YouTube and listen to me tell it.
The “health coach” is to help you do the things you need to do to be in a state of complete physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness with the absence of dis”ease”. The WellBEing refers to your state of mind and having a vision, being who you are meant to be and knowing your purpose. It is a positive rather than neutral state, which means we are no longer “enduring til the end” we are thriving! The WHO couldn’t have defined it any better!
Julie Carlisle combines a powerful background of healing modalities and transformational experience to bring a wealth of knowledge, tools, and holistic understanding of life.
Julie deeply believes in the power within each of us to overcome our health issues and what our ingrained belief systems may label as impossible. Her ultimate purpose is to help her clients heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
To learn more contact Julie here: