You deserve to live a life you LOVE!  

Are you tired of feeling tired all the time?

Are you experiencing disconnect and brain fog?

Do you wish you could release those stubborn pounds that won’t go no matter what diet or how much exercise you do?

Do you want to feel the beauty and vibrancy of life like you used to?

Do you want to keep up with your children and grandchildren?

Do you want more of what you LOVE and less of what kills your energy?

Do you know in you HEART, you are meant to succeed and you're on a mission to do BIG things?

You deserve to have a great life, one where you feel good in your skin and excited to start the day! A life where you aren’t always tired or suffering from chronic pain or headaches. You deserve a life with vibrancy in your health, amazing love and relationships, time and money freedom, and doing what you love in the world.

Our health is such an important aspect, because it tends to have an effect on everything else. I believe it is where we should start, so we can have the energy and vibrancy to be who we are meant to be. When we can begin to heal, feel better, and have renewed energy we can begin to move forward to create a life we love.

We live in an ever growing universe and we too are here to grow. Just as a boat is not meant to be anchored in the bay, it is meant to sail. Our powerful spirits are meant to move forward and grow to have joy and empowerment. If this does not happen we will feel longing and discontent in life. Don’t let your health be what is keeping you anchored, there are so many good things you can do to heal.

When you do this work you will learn a new language of success to help transform your life in all areas. What that means is you will begin to think in a new way and because of this new thinking process, new paths will be forged and your life will change. You will become a different person, with new meaning and vibrant health!

I offer healing sessions and one on one mentoring to help you raise your vibration so you attract what you really want in all areas of your life. Together WE can pull up that anchor and sail again.

Julie’s Approach

I use a method called Investigating Health, combined with my life coaching to facilitate transformation. Investigating Health is going to help you energetically release low vibrating frequencies that show up as physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual symptoms. As you learn a new language of success, from my life coaching curriculum, it will enable a new way of thinking and being, which will keep your mind and body free of those things causing low vibrations for good! I am here to provide the support, guidance, and accountability for your life transformation. This approach has greatly improved mine, my family, and my clients lives. I would love to share my experience, knowledge, and tools with you and I believe it will make a significant impact in all areas of your life, including health, relationships, prosperity, and vocation.

Are you ready to heal & achieve your dreams?

Click for more info on the proven transformation system that has

helped thousands of people all over the world.

“It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi